HTML 5 Interview Question 2022:
Q(1) What is HTML5?
HTML5 is Hypertext Markup Language.
It is used for creating web pages.
HTML5 describes the structure of the web page.
HTML tells the browser to display the data in the browser.
HTML elements display the content in web pages like heading, paragraphs, links, etc.
Q(2) Write the simple HTML5 Code Structure?
<!DOCTYPE html>This document is an HTML5 document.
<html> HTML is the root element of the web pages.
<head> Head element contains meta information of the pages.
<title>Simple Web Page</title>This is the title for web pages.
<body>Body is container and visible all the content in the browser.
<h1>HTML5 Interview Question</h1> It is heading
Q.(3)What is an HTML5 element ?
HTML5 element is a start tag and closing tag and in between some content.
<tagname>Hello HTML</tagname>
Example: Heading tag,Paragraph,division etc.
Q.(4) What is an HTML attribute?
HTML5 attribute provide addtional information about HTML code.
All Html elements can have attributes. It always starts with a start tag.
Example: href,src,alt,lang,title,width,height attribute.
Q.(5) What is HTML5 Heading ?
HTML5 heading is the title or subtitle of the webpage. In Html5 total 6 type of Heading are presesnt. H1 to H6 H1 is the biggest size and H6 is the Least size of the heading.
Q.(6) What is Block Level Element and Inline element?
A Block level element always start with new line and the browser automatically add some space in before the element and after the element. Block level element take full width. Two commonly used block level element is <p> and <div> .
Some more example is block level element is <aside>,<article>,<p>,<ol>,<ul> etc.
Inline Element : Inline element does not start with in new line. Inline element only take up space as necessary. span element is the inline element.
Some more example: <a>,<button>,<input>,<span> etc.
Q.(7) What is HTML5 list ?
HTML5 list is used for creating web pages list for navigate from one page to another page. There are two type of list in list in HTML5. Unorder list and Ordered list.
Unordered List start with <ul> tag. Each list item start with <li>. This list item will be marked as bullet list.
Syntax : <ul>
Ordered List : Ordered list start with ol tag. Each list item start with li tag. The list Item marked with number list by default.
Syntax : <ol>
<li>About </li>
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